Small Churches Big Impact Podcast
Somehow, regardless of what the church says otherwise it seems like the message we keep getting as congregational leaders is size matters, so we've come together to seek a different message and to identify and amplify the beauty and grace of small. Small churches. No matter the impact you think you're making, join us to hear more about small churches making big impacts with God walking right alongside. You're with the Small Churches Big Impact Collective.
Podcasting since 2021 • 25 episodes
Small Churches Big Impact Podcast
Latest Episodes
Becoming Small Churches that Say “Yes” to Meeting Community Needs
The Rev. Leyla King, Canon for Mission in Small Congregations for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, sits down with guests the Rev. Kevin Diehl, Rector of St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in San Francisco, the Rev. Suzanne Smith, R...
Season 4
Episode 6

Justice with Creation and with One Another
In this episode of the Small Churches Big Impact Collective, host the Rev. Rebekah Hatch, Canon for Lay & Ordained Vocations in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, speaks with the Rev. Candice Combs, pastor of New Life Lutheran Church i...
Season 4
Episode 5

Building Collaborative, Justice-Focused Ministries at the Community Level
In this episode, the Reverend Allison Sandlin Liles, Vicar of St. Stephen's in Hurst, Texas, sits down with the Reverend Dr. Elizabeth Mae Magill, pastor of the Small Church Collaborative which includes Rindge Congregational Church in Rindge...
Season 4
Episode 4

The Church as a Catalyst for Changing Communities
In this episode of the Small Churches Big Impact Collective, host the Rev. Stacy Williams-Duncan sits down with the Rev. Dr. Paula Miller, Rector of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Lincoln Park, Michigan and the Rev. Nandra Pe...
Season 4
Episode 3

Racial Justice as Relationship: Advocating for Arab Communities
The Rev. Leyla King, Canon for Mission in Small Congregations for the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, sits down with guests the Rev. Halim Shukair, Priest-in-Charge at Christ Episcopal Church and Priest-in-Charge at Mother of the Savior Chu...
Season 4
Episode 2